On July 28th, BugBounter hosted a webinar on the future of cybersecurity testing in South Africa with Michiel Jonker, Futurist, and Director of Futura International. Sustainable cyber security risk management is a necessity for businesses as they advance further with their innovations and adopt technological developments. Simplified cybersecurity measures can reduce the existing complexity in processes and drive growth along with cost-effectiveness. Whether it is data privacy or cyber security, the idea of designing the practices stems from the way humans think.
Machines are one of the most critical inventions of humans. Whatever measures are taken in the direction of protecting the data from damage solely rests on the owner’s shoulders. Read this article to see what was discussed at the webinar event.

Groupthink: How Does It Impact Cybersecurity Measures?
While resolving an issue or introducing new reforms, businesses tend to pool their resources and skills. Ideas may be welcome from everywhere and have the potential to help enterprises implement possible systems. This helps them serve their customers and build a strong workforce. However, when it comes to cybersecurity, conventional ideas may not work in the longer term. Additionally, the same strategy may not work when a new application or software is introduced. For instance, hardware and software firewalls used authentication and security policies. Such firewalls were replaced by cloud-hosted firewalls.
Such innovations require experts to brainstorm ideas by thinking from different perspectives. Thinking outside the box should not mean you entirely agree or disagree with other perspectives. Exploring new ideas and setting down the path of unchartered territories will give birth to the spark that may pave the way for a cybersecurity measure never thought of before.
Increased Complexity
With more security policies introduced by the government in many countries, the growth of organizations combined with security practices has become increasingly complex. Every new policy is another step to combat any adverse security issue of the future and for the benefit of the organizations. However, enterprises need to shift their gears and be compliant with government systems every time a policy is introduced or whenever a complex system is in play. Current best practices do not define the future security requirements as more frameworks and controls are being introduced from time to time.
Computer systems or designs that are built today are integrated by keeping their functionality as the major criterion. When you think of sustainable growth and development, maintenance of such systems is also a factor that shouldn’t be overlooked. If the complexity in security is not isolated and addressed appropriately, it can lead to more expenditure and many impending damages, even to the extent of the collapse of IT systems.
Interconnected systems are people hooked up to the internet and with more people networking with each other, the number of firewalls installed cannot go unnoticed. This is all the more critical when you have no control over the people outside your organization who need not follow your security reform. In such a scenario, you will have to think with a broader mindset in imposing restrictions on what people can access and what they cannot. These regulations should be taken seriously at regular intervals and not only when an issue arises, such as the cyber attack of a hacker on your organization. Cybersecurity experts or a company that takes your security should be consulted, to take precautionary steps.
Preventive Controls From a Business Perspective
Assumptions do not work well while you are implementing security measures. Predicting a hacker‘s behavior or how he detects a bug to tamper with the organization’s critical data is not easy. Adopting a forward-thinking process helps you to approach the issue differently and diversely for the prevention of cyber attacks.
Cybersecurity measures can be based either on the assumption of success or the assumption of failure. A cyber security measure factoring in only failure may urge organizations to implement detective controls more than preventive controls and correct them. The ultimate aim of security programs or companies is to introduce detection and correction measures that carry less cost with enhanced security.
One point the cybersecurity experts and government compliance and risk management experts commonly agree on is that cost reduction is a must when it comes to designing a new security feature.
Cybersecurity Testing: A Gateway Of The Future IT Systems
Businesses should adopt cybersecurity practices that focus on stabilizing innovation to grow sustainably. While leaving traditional approaches and embracing automation, cybersecurity solutions should be streamlined in parallel. Cybersecurity is another aspect apart from cybersecurity testing that mitigates risks and enhances IT processes.
The future of cybersecurity testing in South Africa looks bright. With the continued growth of the internet and online services, the need for cybersecurity testing will only grow. South Africa has many advantages that make it well-suited for providing cybersecurity testing services. First, the country has a strong base of IT professionals with a wide range of skills and experience. Second, South Africa has a large number of universities and other educational institutions that offer courses in computer science and information security. Finally, South Africa is home to several companies that are leaders in the field of cybersecurity. These factors all contribute to making South Africa an attractive destination for cybersecurity testing.
Smart Solution for Cybersecurity Testing: BugBounter
BugBounter offers scalable solutions to businesses to enforce high security in their systems and protect their data from harmful threats. BugBounter provides 24/7 availability, scoping flexibility, and cost-effective manual penetration testing services with 2200 cybersecurity experts. One major advantage of signing up with BugBounter is that they don’t charge their clients unless there is a valid bug report coming from the cybersecurity experts.
Organizations that deal with multiple tasks every day can take their extra load off their shoulders by outsourcing cybersecurity programs with BugBounter. From creating bug bounty programs, restraining attacks from malicious hackers or organizations to creating a secure ecosystem is their forte. By identifying possible bugs or damages beforehand, BugBounter helps organizations to grow steadily and achieve better ROIs with shorter runtimes. It also helps overcome vulnerabilities by assigning experts immediately to any kind of security requirement from the client. Connect with BugBounter to get your systems tested today!
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