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Beyond web vulnerabilities in bug bounties

Picture of Can Engin

Can Engin

Beyond web vulnerabilities in bug bounties

Bug bounty hunters! Let’s embark on a journey beyond the familiar terrain of web vulnerabilities. In this evolving landscape, embracing advanced bug hunting techniques is key to staying ahead. Join BugBounter as we delve into new avenues, guided by the latest cybersecurity trends and insights.

The Evolution of Bug Bounty Programs

Bug bounties, with roots tracing back to the ’80s and ’90s, have transcended traditional web applications. Today, the bug hunting arena extends far beyond, encompassing diverse digital assets.

BugBounter provides more information about how to become a successful bug bounty hunter at online events! Arrange an online event with BugBounter today.

Diversifying Beyond Web: Targeting APIs

The rise of Web3 projects emphasizes the need for bug hunters to explore beyond web vulnerabilities. A valuable resource, “Why Your Web3 Project Needs A Bug Bounty Program” by ConsenSys Diligence, highlights the importance of bug bounties in securing decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. Payouts of up to $10M showcase the lucrative nature of identifying API vulnerabilities.

Unleashing Potential: Mobile Bug Bounties

Mobile applications are ubiquitous, presenting an untapped realm for bug bounty hunters. Beyond web, mobile bug hunting offers new challenges and opportunities. Learn from the experiences of seasoned hunters in a recent talk, where competitiveness, responsible disclosure, and recommendations for companies were discussed.

Exploring IoT: A New Frontier

As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, so do potential security risks. Bug hunters, equipped with ethical hacking skills, can contribute significantly to securing IoT devices. Stay tuned as we unfold the dynamics of non-web vulnerabilities in this emerging landscape.

Strategies for Bug Bounty Success

To thrive in this diverse landscape, bug bounty hunters need to evolve. Recommendations from the dialogue between the presenter and bug bounty expert, Ben Sadeghipour, shed light on strategies for success. From the importance of unpaid vulnerability reporting to insights on cloud service security, we unravel the keys to advanced bug hunting.

Bug Bounty Platforms: The Catalyst

Bug bounty platforms play a pivotal role in connecting hunters with opportunities beyond web vulnerabilities. Success stories from real-life bug bounty programs showcase the effectiveness of these platforms in promoting ethical hacking.


In conclusion, bug bounty hunters, the world beyond web vulnerabilities is rich with opportunities. Embrace the challenges of API, mobile, and IoT bug hunting. Learn from the experiences of experts, stay informed about cybersecurity trends, and leverage bug bounty platforms to elevate your skills.

BugBounter provides bug bounty hunters all around the globe a diverse, 24/7 available bug bounty platform. Join BugBounter today to discover your potential.

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