Internet users must take precautions for the sake of cyber and data security. As technology develops in time, all humanity becomes dependent on and trusts in technology. But most of us are not aware of the fact that we might face cyber threats if we refuse to give vital importance to our data security and privacy.
Taking Precautions Against Cyber Threats
In a world where the operations is managed on the Internet, establishing our work area with digital tools, working in front of laptops and sharing our personal data about our business, we must be aware of the possible cyber threats and take cautions about it.
Most small businesses neglect taking precautions about cyber threats because it’s rarely considered a priority. With this frame of mind, they do not believe that they might be exposed to any cyber threat. However, it is a common misconception because there is a range of threats targeting small businesses as well. Therefore, no matter how big or small your business is, every company must have security tools. In order to utilize security awareness, all employees must get the basic training on cyber hygiene and companies must reassure themselves on the integrity of their cyber systems.
Here are the most widespread cyberthreat types aiming at businesses and how businesses can protect themselves against the threats:
Phishing Attacks
One of the most common, damaging, and simple yet effective cyber threat is phishing attacks. It is known that phishing attacks keep growing in time, becoming a widespread threat. But before all of these, what is a phishing attack? Phishing is a type of attack that makes you believe you are contacting someone you trust using various social engineering tactics. That’s why, it is the most damaging threat disguised as innocent communication attempt. Phishing attacks make you click on a link that leads you to download a malicious file. It can reach your sensitive information, account details and destroy your data security. So, keep in mind that phishing attacks include a fake invoice, it asks you to confirm personal information, it can claim that there is a problem with your account or payment information or it can supposedly notify you of suspicious activity and log-in attempts.
Malware Attacks
As the second biggest cyber threat, malware attacks are the viruses that attackers create to gain access to networks and encrypt your data on your computer by jeopardizing your data security. Malware attacks generally infect you system via malicious website downloads, spam e-mails, and connection with other infected machines.
Ransomware Attacks
Being one of the most common attacks, Ransomware Attacks have grown day by day. Ransomware is known to be the most profitable cyber threat option for attackers as it jeopardizes data security by encrypting them. Thus, excluding that company from using or accessing its own data. Ransomware attacks force companies to a difficult choice between paying the ransom that attackers demand or losing that data altogether.
To not experience a ransomware attack, you must avoid clicking on unsafe links or unknown websites. Those links are very likely start automatic downloads only by clicking that link and damage your device and data security. In addition, be cautious about your personal information because untrusted sources can ask for your personal information. Therefore, it is better not to engage with it. Ransomware attacks can be carried out through your e-mail attachments as well.

Weak Passwords
Employees who use weak or easily guessed passwords are another major threat to businesses. Many small businesses use multiple cloud-based services, each requiring a separate account. These services frequently contain sensitive data as well as financial information. Using guessable passwords or using the same password for multiple accounts can open the doors for compromising this data.
Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA) technologies should be considered by businesses and individuals. These make the users require more than a password to open business accounts and applications. Multiple verification steps, like a passcode sent to a mobile device, are included in the features that these technologies offer to the users. Even if an attacker steals a password, 2FA security controls prevent them from accessing those accounts.
Insider Threats
The insider threat is a serious risk that companies might be overlooking. An insider threat is a possible vulnerability to a business caused by the actions of current or former employees, business contractors, or associates. This is a rising issue that may endanger employees and customers and cause financial harm to the company. Businesses must ensure that they have a strong monitoring system within their organization to combat insider threats.
The best way for businesses to protect themselves against cyber threats is making more than 2700 independent cyber security experts inspecting their system. By using BugBounter’s platform, you can mobilize cyber security experts by rewarding them with gifts that you’ll be deciding and you will rewarding the experts only for the bugs and vulnerabilities they found and validated through our specialized team.
For more information on how you can keep your business safe contact us for a demo.